Albert Charara

Political scientist specialized in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Catalan-Lebanese family, interested in the analysis and resolution of conflicts and the political and social reality in the Middle East, which seeks to promote knowledge of working with the media and research projects. Earlier research internship at Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB), which was part of the team responsible for preparing the CIDOB International Yearbook 2015.Currently collaborates with the Centre for International Historical Studies of the University of Barcelona (UB CEHI-) in the framework of the (Un)Protected. His signature is also present in various online spaces aimed at international analysis. @ AlbertCharara

Why Kirkuk matters

A Kirkuk-centric approach to Iraqi elections and the country’s most immediate challenges

The third Iraqi elections since the end of the US occupation are scheduled for May 12th. These arrive in a context of slow but progressive recovery of Iraq and its institutions.

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Líbano, país de acogida: cinco años después.

Para estructurar esta breve radiografía de los efectos de la crisis humanitaria siria en el Líbano, es necesario analizar, primero, la respuesta político-institucional de las élites libanesas. Seguidamente, abordar el cambio de paradigma que supuso la entrada en vigor, a principios de 2015, de una serie de medidas restrictivas respecto al paso fronterizo y acogida de los refugiados sirios.

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