PhD in Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona (UB) (2005), is lecturer in the Department of Contemporary History at the Faculty of Geography and History (UB). He has published on the history of European integration and relations between Europe and the United States after World War II. His current research is focused on the external dimension of the political transition in Spain after the death of General Franco, especially the role played by the United States, United Kingdom, France and the European Community / European Union. Two main publications on their current research: "La comunitat Europea i la transició espanyola (1975 - 1977) in Cristina Blanca Sío-López i Susana Muñoz (Eds): Converging Pathways / Spain and the European Integration Process (2013) and "le dimensioni internazionale della transizione política spagnola (1969-1982). Quale ruolo giocarono la Comunità Europea i gli Stati Uniti? a Mario del Però, Víctor Gavín, Fernando Guirao, Antonio Varsori: Democrazie. l'Europa meridionale e la fine delle dittature (2010) both together with Dr.Fernando Guirao (UPF).