Paola Lo Cascio

Degree in Political Science from the University of La Sapienza (Rome) and a PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Barcelona. Postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-UL) is Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona. She has been a visiting professor at the University of Cambridge (2011) and at the Università La Sapienza in Rome (2013). She is part of several research projects and is a member of the Granma CEHI. Part of her research are related to the analysis of conflicts and their social and economic consequences. Author of several national and international pulicacions, among which can be emphasized: La guerra Civile Spagnola. Una storia del Novecento Carocci, Roma, 2013; Lo Cascio A. Segura i A. Pellegrini (ed): Soldiers, Bombs and Rifles: Military History of the 20th Century, CSP, Newcastle, 2013; Vo Nguyen Giap Dien Bé Phu, estudi introductori de Paola Lo Cascio, Editorial Yulca, Barcelona, ​​2015; "Further of the Neutralitat: the Spanish economics elits in front of the First World War through their publications", Contemporary European History (forthcoming).

Siria, el largo camino de la primavera a la catástrofe humanitaria

En el momento en que se acaba de firmar el acuerdo entre la EU y Turquía sobre los refugiados sirios y cuando ya estamos tan tristemente acostumbrados a las imágenenes terribles procedentes de las fronteras griegas de llegar casi a pensar que estamos delante de una situación de emergencia humanitaria permanente y en cierta medida inexorable, vale hacer un paso atrás y aplicar a la lectura de la

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